Todd Garrett I will always love you…RIP

He was a very big part of my life. He was a lover, a companion, a roommate and a best friend. Although we separated in March and he moved into his own place he still remained my best friend. We agreed to keep that because even though we could not overcome the issues we had as lovers and roommates we could not sever the love or that friendship. We still talked almost every day and I did things for him when he was on the road because I cared. When people turned away from him I was always there and never once turned my back. I could see through all his darkness a beautiful soul who loved, was compassionate and cared about those he believed in, those few he trusted. His life is full of mystery and hurt so deeply rooted even those really close to him would not know the details of where his pain came from. His most prized possession was his daughter Jordan who was truly what he lived for every day.
It was a very unfortunate accident, it shook me to the core and I still don’t believe it has hit me yet. The last time I saw him was a week before when in a panic he helped me rush my best friend Mozi to the vet and he came by the night before I had to put my pup to sleep in order to comfort me. He too was close to Mozi because he had lived with me for a year and grown to love that dog. He was visibly sad and carried that with him over the next week. On Monday November 3rd my other best friend Todd Garrett passed away suddenly and now I am here wondering what I am supposed to be learning from all of this. It saddens me that I will never hear his voice again and I will forever hold the words he spoke to me in a conversation that same day he passed. After that conversation he sent the following text…
At 4:13PM he sent a text :
I miss you
I want to feel your heart race
I want to look into your eyes
I want to feel your soul
At 4:53 his text read:
I love you Sheri
I would never hear from him again. What saddens me the most is that he has a family who will not claim him even after his death. I have been asked to make the decision of what to do now in regard to his funeral because no one in his family cares. I guess God put him in my life so I could deal with all these things for him, so I could love him and so that I could hold his true character in my mind until someday I will have the chance to share with his daughter who he really was. She is only 4 and will never hear his voice again. What a tragedy all of this is, it just breaks my heart. I am strong and I will get through this. His friends have come forward and the support is helping me. The 2 years I knew Todd will forever stay in my heart, he was a good man despite the inner pain he suffered. I will miss you my friend and I know that you and Mozi are looking down at me right now smiling. Todd Garrett I will always love you and I will only remember the good things. RIP